Category / CaseStudy

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  • Parsec: Brand Changing

    Following the opening of a new structure, the company felt the need to change its institutional image. Since this is not a repositioning but the creation of a new image, a different company name was formulated to index the search engines of the new company website fitted with information request forms and quotes. According to…

  • Family Service: Start-Up

    The aim of the company was to modulate the experience gained by its founders in the business services sector about the needs of modern mid-high households. After carrying out an environmental analysis aimed at identifying the target’s needs and a direct and indirect competition benchmark, the stakeholders were identified and a website for the online…

  • The Angelic Butterfly: Event

    The intent of the artist Isabella Tirelli, was to create a contemporary art exhibition able to establish a harmonious synthesis between art and technology. The analysis of the fruition dynamics of the artistic message in today’s society was the starting point to outline a communication strategy aimed at emphasizing how accessing to works through multimedia…

  • A.S.CO. Group: Family Branding

    Born from the synergistic integration of professionalism from the world of business services, the company boasted a high-profile customer package and internal direct marketing structures. The added value of such factors indicated the possibility of enhancing the brand equity according to the expectations and target fears. I’M, a proprietary software for qualitative / quantitative market…

  • Solo Servizi Alberghi: Market Share Acquisition

    To achieve the marketing objectives that the company set, a communication plan which allowed an increase in the penetration rate of services of the brand, by pursuing an increase in notoriety and quality perceived by responsible for purchase of the baseline target, was developed. Market positioning was achieved through the development and the publication of…

  • SerHotel: Differentiation Of Services

    The increase supply in the business of accommodation facilities operated by players such as Airbnb, on the basis of the know-how acquired in its multiannual activity, led A.S.CO. Group to turn the services, typically intended for medium-large sized accommodation facilities, to medium and small sized high-end ones. To pursue new marketing purposes, without changing the…

  • Tecnovideo: Market Positioning

    The advent of high definition in the prosumer context put the brand in need to be confirmed with its stakeholders and target groups as the first interlocutor for HD video technologies. To this end, a television campaign was developed divided into a TV spot and four tv report with institutional content and product promotion of…

  • Tecnovideo: Perceived Restyling Image

    The analysis of the targets showed that, as a point of reference for established professionals, the brand was little known or ignored among young film-makers. In accordance with the identified target positioning, a restyling was decided aimed at giving a positive and commonly accessible perception, leaving the brand image unchanged. The action plan consisted of…

  • Department For Family, Education And Young People Of The Municipality Of Rome: Reduction Of Distance Between Institutions And Youth

    As part of the strategies and objectives of the Department’s online communication projects, a YouTube channel and a Facebook group called “Roma Capitale dei Giovani” were added to web communication channels of the Department and to Twitter. Although the two services have many features in common, we did not operate from the point of view…

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